EdTech Factotum is Clint Lalonde writing about educational technology, open education, and online & blended learning.
My organization says goodbye to X
Using GenAI to analyze scenarios against a framework
How Open Education Can Support Digital Literacy
The connection between course materials and teaching approaches
A LLM training dataset made up of only open or public domain content?
What AI tools have you been using regularly?
Can AI turn any book into a textbook?
ChatGPT and Open Education
Want to understand how AI might change teaching & learning? Ask a math instructor.
LLM’s and open (access, data, source)
The Death of Life +50 in Canada
Write a blog post with three suggestions on how teachers can use ChatGPT for teaching and learning
3 tools to help you find people you follow on Twitter on Mastodon
More research on student modality choices
The state of digital learning in higher education in British Columbia
Migrating to a new Mastodon home
Adding alt text (and more) to images in Mastodon
Open Educators on Mastodon
10 tips for better webinars
What Do College Students Really Think of Data Privacy?
7 Demonstrations of Care – What Students Say Matter
The mental health crisis on campus
OpenEd21: Closing Plenary The Future of OpenEd
6 Astonishing Observations About Conference Blogging That Will Change Your Life! (you will not believe number 6!)
OpenEd21: Making OER “Findable”
OpenEd21: OER Discovery Research: Librarian and Faculty OER Personas
The (ahem) now award-winning 25 Years of EdTech & OpenETC
Opened21: Plenary Keynote Reggie Raju
OpenEd21 Plenary: Students at the Centre
OpenEd21: Evolution of Teaching Practice with OER-enabled Pedagogy
OpenEd21: Pulling Together to Decolonize: Reflections on an Indigenous-led Open Resource Adaptation
OpenEd21: Building the 21st Century OER Ecosystem
OpenEd21: Embracing Open for All: Initiatives in Support for Kw’seltktnéws
OpenEd21: Day 2 Plenary keynotes with Kathleen Fitzpatrick & Leslie Chan
OpenEd21: Building Awareness of Open Pedagogical Practices to Advance the Cause of Openness on your Campus
OpenEd21: OER’s for Data Literacy and Knowledge Equity: Integrating Wikidata into Higher Education
OpenEd21: Pedagogical Approach for Digital Literacy Education Utilizing OER
OpenEd21: Zoom In: A Faculty Panel on Creating Renewable Assignments Using Lambert’s Social Justice Framework
OpenEd21: OER Awareness and Adoption Trends in US Higher Education through COVID-19
OpenEd21 The Wikipedia Assignment as Open Education Praxis
OpenEd21 Opening Plenary: Dr. Mays Imad Trauma-Informed Pedagogy
The people who need to talk about politics at work are now banned from talking about politics at work
For Some People
OER benefit everyone (not just students)
A #25YearsOfEdTech blog post about blogging
The new Pressbooks directory includes H5P search
Hosting Studio20 using OBS with Zoom
On the Historical Amnesia of Ed Tech #25YearsOfEdTech
Ed Tech Vox Populi
Domo Arigato EdTech Roboto
Could a Canadian MOOC provider have helped higher ed this fall?
Tweaking my work from home gear
Using Mattermost as class hub
Resources to help learners learn online
Flattening the online education curve
Who’s Zoomin’ Who?
Pressbooks cloning now with added H5P goodness
When your project goes to the dogs
On the network effect and PLN’s
Trying another way to cross post from Mastodon to Twitter
Setting up a test instance of Mastodon for the OpenETC using Cloudron
In the year of our blog 2019
Models for Evaluating Education Technology
So, you’ve developed a learning technology
More needs to be done to support teaching online in Canada
Sandstorm is winding down and some other options to begin exploring for self-hosting web apps
But will they let you? On MS Teams, the VLE/LMS
Some strategies for the Open Homework Systems project
Untrackable Learning
H5P as homework system
Why I want to try Mattermost for classroom discussions