Getting your Trinity Audio player ready...

While I am on a bit of a blogging tear, I thought I would post this bit of news. Last week, the 25 Years of EdTech audiobook & podcast won an Award of Excellence from OE Global. From the award site:
The Open Education Awards for Excellence provide annual recognition of outstanding contributions in the Open Education community, recognizing exemplary leaders, distinctive Open Educational Resources, and Open Practices from around the world.
OE Global Awards
The award was given to the project in the “Open Reuse/Remix/Adaptation” category and, according to the adjudicators, the project is an outstanding example of the power of OER reuse for the following reasons;
- Remixing the physical book into an audiobook has increased accessibility by providing the text in an alternate format.
- Drawing together the open education community around the reading of the text sparked the companion “Between the Chapters” podcast, providing a deeper dive and critical analysis by experts into the topic of each chapter. This has added an additional layer of richness to the original book.
- The weekly podcast release schedule, and accompanying critical analysis created a fundamentally new way to experience the book – slower and in bitesize chunks.
- Each episode of the main recording or the companion podcast also now exists as an OER available for future use / reuse.
I am incredibly grateful to OE Global for recognizing this project and am very proud of the way the project turned out , especially the way that my co-producer Laura Pasquini took the creation of the audiobook to the next level with the production of the “Between the Chapters” podcast.
As this was an audio project, Laura and I thought it only fitting to put our voice to the official thank you’s we sent to OE Global.
The big list of volunteers who voiced and guested
And a huge thank you to all the volunteers who voiced and/or guested as part of the project. I have listed everyone by name below (and I deeply apologize if I inadvertently missed you in this list).
Bonni Stachowiak, Jeffery Saddoris, Tim Carson, Ken Bauer, Angela Gunder, Brian Lamb, Lorna M. Campbell & Phil Barker, Tom Farrelly, Lee Skallerup Bessette, Catherine Cronin, Chad Flinn, Sukaina Walji, Grant Potter, Julian Prior, Simon Horrocks, Terry Greene, Laura Czerniewicz, Rajiv Jhangiani, Brenna Clarke Gray, Deb Baff, Maha Bali , Caroline kuhn, Anne-Marie Scott, Alan Levine, Jim Groom, Mark Brown, Clare Thompson, Jessie Stommel Mark Guzdial, Kelvin Bentley Brian Lamb John Robertson D’Arcy Norman Laura Gibbs Bonnie Stewart, Maren Deepwell, Judith Pete, Virginia Rodés Bryan Alexander, Alexandra Pickett, Sara Frick, Orna Farrell, David Wicks, Sue Beckingham, Chrissi Nerantzi, Tanis Morgan Autumm Caines, Rebecca Hogue, Christian Frierich, Helen DeWaard, Dave Cormier, Rolin Moe, Amanda Coolidge, George Veletsianos Dragan Gasevic, Joyce Seitzinger, Chris Gilliard, David Kernohan, Audrey Watters, sava sahali singh
And the OpenETC won, too!
A second project that I have been involved with alongside Anne-Marie Scott, Tannis Morgan, Grant Potter, Brian Lamb, Troy Welch and a host of wonderful people here in British Columbia (including some support from BCcampus) also won an OE Global Award of Excellence for Open Infrastructure. The OpenETC is a project that I am also very proud to have worked on, and continue to contribute to, and it is a testament to the hard work of this small, but mighty, band of colleagues to make open edtech infrastructure more broadly available to the higher education community in BC.