Presentation Bio & Photo
Clint Lalonde, MA (Learning & Technology)
Wrangler of learning technologies by day, Dad, cyclist, soccer fan & home roaster of coffee by night, Clint is an educational technologist and advocate for the use of open educational resources and open education practices in higher education.
Clint has worked in the British Columbia post-secondary system for 25 years and is currently the Director of Open Education for BCcampus, a government-funded non-profit organization that provides teaching, learning, educational technology, and open education support to the post-secondary institutions of British Columbia.
A founding member of the BC Open EdTech Collaborative, Clint is also on the Board of Directors for the Apereo Foundation and is an Associate Faculty in the School of Education & Technology at Royal Roads University. Clint’s educational interests include network learning, social learning, education technology, and open education.
Some more misc bg stuff
Prior to my current position at BCcampus, I was the Manager of Learning Technologies at CTET at Royal Roads University, and also worked at Camosun College where I was an instructional assistant in the Applied Communication Program and produced radio and web-based courses through the Distributed Education department.
In 2002, I attended the Application and Management of Information Technology (AMIT) program at the University of Victoria and completed my Masters in Learning and Technology at Royal Roads University in 2011. My Masters thesis examined how educators use Twitter as a tool within a Personal Learning Network (PLN).
Before working in educational technology, I had a bit of a career as a radio broadcaster, working at a few radio stations in Alberta and BC, many which no longer exist. I sincerely regret any part I might have had in their disappearance from the airwaves. In a previous life I had long hair and was the hippie station manager of Global Roots Radio Village 900 (another station that no longer exists).
I blog here at You can also find me on LinkedIn and Mastodon.