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- Program Committee (Reviewer) EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI)
- Feature Article: Digital fluency vs. Digital literacy (2019) Connections, Schools Catalogue Information Services (SCIS), Pg 4, Issue 11, Term 4
- OpenETC: Where we’ve been & where we’re going, with Brian Lamb, Grant Potter, Tannis Morgan, ETUG (June 2019)
- Who is ETUG? You are ETUG: Results from the 25th anniversary ETUG Member Survey, with Troy Welch, Bonnie Johnson, ETUG (June 2019)
- 2019 ETUG Member Survey (Report), co-author with Troy Welch and Bonnie Johnson, (May 2019)
- Blackboard Ally Pilot Project (Report), BCcampus (March 2019)
- Program Committee, 2019 ETUG Conference
- Workshop: Out of the File Drawer and into the Real World: Getting your students writing for Wikipedia with Jami Mathewson, Rosie Redfield and Judy Chan, Festival of Learning (June 2016)
- Expanding the Effective Use of Video at BC Institutions with Julian Prior, Heidi Mede, Gina Bennett & Gordon Jang, Festival of Learning (2016)
- Workshop: BC Open Education Technology Collaborative with Brian Lamb, Tannis Morgan, and Valerie Irvine, Festival of Learning (2016)
- EdTech: BCcampus or BCNET? with Dean Crawford, BCNET Conference (April, 2016)
- Case Study: The BC Open Textbook Project, OpenEdOz, Australia Government Office for Learning & Technology (February 2016)
- Faculty Attitudes Towards Open Textbooks and OER with Rajiv Jianghiani, Beck Pitt, Cristina Hendricks, Open Education Conference (2015)
- You Built a Textbook in How Many Days???!?? with Gil Green (UBC) and Barbara Ruhling (Book Sprints), Open Education Conference (2015)
- Open for Collaboration: is it time for Canada to implement a unified open strategy for higher education? Public Forum, UBC/SFU Open Access Week (October 2015)
- Webinar, eCampus Mantioba, Working Together for Students: Open Textbook Collaboration between BC and Manitoba (October, 2015)
- Guest Lecture, MALAT Program, Royal Roads University (July 2015)
- You Built a Textbook in How Many Days???? with Gil Green (UBC) and Barbara Ruhling (Book Sprints), 2015 Open Textbook Summit (June 2015)
- Guest Lecture, OLTD course with Dr. Alec Couros, Vancouver Island University (May 2015)
- Plenary Presentation,Thompson Rivers University Online Faculty Meeting (May, 2015)
- Finding and Using OER, faculty workshop, Thompson Rivers University (May 2015)
- Beyond Free, BCNet Annual Conference (April, 2015)
- Exploring Open Educational Resources, 2 week online course for the Commonwealth of Learning and British Columbia Ministry of Education (April 2015)
- The BC Open Textbook Project, Selkirk College Discovery Days (February 2015)
- The BC Open Textbook Project, Council of Atlantic University Libraries (CAUL-CBUA) (February 2015)
- Adopting Open Textbooks, 4 week online course developed and co-facilitated with Amanda Coolidge and Lauri Aesoph (January-February, 2015)
- Beyond Free, Vancouver Island University (January 2015)
- Beyond Free, UNBC virtual presentation (January 2015)
- Program Committee Lead, 2015 Open Education Conference
- Open Tools for Open Publishing, co-presentation with Brad Payne, OpenEd 2014 (November 2014)
- The Role of Librarians at a BookSprint (with Erin Fields, UBC Libraries), BCOER Librarians Group (October 2014)
- Beyond Free, How Open Textbooks Can Improve Learning, Building Community and Empower Faculty, COHERE Conference (October 2014)
- BC Open Textbook Project, Canadian Association of Research Libraries, Open Access Week, (October 2014)
- Geography Open Textbook Sprint, co-facilitation with BookSprints & Amanda Coolidge (June 2014)
- One Button Publishing, co-presentation with Brad Payne, WordPress in Higher Education conference (May 2014)
- One Button Publishing co-presentation with Brad Payne, BCNet Conference (April 2014)
- Open Education Panel, with Dr. Valerie Irvine, Dr. George Veletsianos, Brian Lamb and Novak Rogic, BCNet Conference (April 2014)
- BC Open Textbook Project: Technology co-presentation with Brad Payne, Open Textbook Summit (April 2014)
- Beyond Free, The BC Open Textbook Project, BCAAT JAM Conference (November, 2013)
- The BC Open Textbook Project, CCCOER (October 2013)
- Facilitator & course developer, Adopting Open Textbooks 4 week open online course (Sept-Oct 2013)
- Moodle, OER and Open Textbooks Lambda Solutions Moodle Users Group (June 19, 2013) video of presentation
- BC Open Textbook Project ETUG workshop (June 6, 2013)
- Creative Commons and Open Textbooks, Camosun College Open Textbook Workshop (May 27, 2013)
- Into the Great Wide Open Tourism Educators of Canada conference (May 9, 2013).
- OER and Open Textbooks Douglas College (April 29, 2013)
- Desire2Learn: Early Lessons Learned: Spring 2007 ETUG conference (May, 2007)
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